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Python Development
What should Student Developers learn?

  1. Python 3.11 is used for most of our backend PBL. HTML, CSS, JavaScript will be used in frontend
  2. Visuals Studio Code (VS Code) is the primary editor, Interactive Development Environment (IDE).
  3. GitHub. Managing and sharing code change, branches, pull requests, issues, and more will be through GitHub.
  4. DevOps. Python programmers should have a passion for managing the environment and learning automation (Git, Linux, Bash, Python Packages, Docker).
  5. API and Microservice using Flask. Mastering development techniques in creating and consuming RESTful APIs

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Flask Development
What is Flask? How do I start Web development?

  1. Flask Framework is the popular Web Application development framework of Python.
  2. Blueprint is utility to help abstract complexity, moving information in independent files and directories.
  3. HTML using Bootstrap is a great way to build interesting pages and reduce CSS
  4. Jinja2 is a server-side Python like template engine, supports HTML5 web development, and provides full integration with Flask.

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Backend and Persistence
How do you manage Persistent data with Python?

  1. A Database is an example of persistent data that is held on a computer. Programming languages and frameworks allow you to store and retrive data.
  2. SQL stands for Structured Query Language ยท SQL lets you access and manipulate databases and has become a long lasting development standard.
  3. SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
  4. There are many newer and sometimes easier Database languages and frameworks. Mongo, DynamoDB, Neo4J are Databases being used by students developers in last 3 years.

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